Privacy policy

At Chavez Plumbing & Supply LLP, we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and our customers' businesses. We understand that you may have concerns about privacy while shopping on the Internet and would like to ensure that you understand the security, protection, and privacy of information we guarantee.

Personal Information

When you make a purchase on Chavez Plumbing & Supply LLP, you are asked to provide the information necessary to fulfill and track your order including your name, address, phone number, and email address. For purposes of billing, you need to provide your credit card number, type, expiration date, and security code to avoid fraudulent use. To ship your order, we also need the name, address and phone number of the intended recipient(s). You can shop with confidence that billing and personal information is only transmitted through secure servers and will never be shared with any other party.

Customer Accounts

You may create an account through Chavez Plumbing & Supply LLP at any time by providing your email address and creating a unique access password, which will allow some of your information to be safely stored for future orders. Creating an account allows you to save time at checkout, set your ordering preferences, easily refer back to past orders, adjust your personal information and change your email subscription settings. You are not required to create an account to visit or order from Chavez Plumbing & Supply LLP. If you wish to unsubscribe from future communications you can click on the 'Unsubscribe' link within any e-newsletter.

How will my information be used?

We do not sell or give your information to other companies to use in their marketing strategies, but it may be used in the following ways:

  • Schedule deliveries of merchandise that you purchase online
  • Create an online account for you at Chavez Plumbing & Supply LLP
  • Bill your credit card for your purchases
  • Confirm and track your orders
  • Respond to your customer service inquiries
  • Email newsletters and specials that you have requested
  • To aid our data partner and advertising platforms in increasing the relevancy of our ads to you

Our website may also use a website recording service which may record mouse clicks, mouse movements, page scrolling and any text keyed into website forms. Data collected by this service is used to improve our website usability. The information collected is stored and is used for and statistical reporting and is not shared with anybody else.